Waiting for the birth of an offspring is the most pleasant, but at the same time one of the most stressful periods in everyone’s life. It consists of many unknowns that future parents must face. Few, however, remember that for the proper course of pregnancy as well as the development of the child, once it is born, it is also worthwhile to take care of the proper conditioning of the environment in which most of the time is spent.
Numerous studies show that long-term exposure to excessively high concentrations of volatile organic compounds has the effect of disrupting normal fetal development. According to a World Health Organization study, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are associated with intrauterine fetal hypotrophy, translating into low birth weight (< 2500g).
As a pollutant, carbon dioxide poses a great danger to young children. Being heavier than air, it accumulates near the surface, endangering infants who are moving and playing, and can lead to their unexplained collapses.
The Espirio® system continuously monitors variable environmental parameters such as levels of air pollutants: concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), noise levels, lighting, or humidity and air temperature.
Make sure to maintain proper indoor conditions for a healthy pregnancy and the development of already born children!