For home
We spend up to 90% of our lives indoors, including largely in our apartments and homes. Rest and regeneration of the body is one of the main purposes of our being in these very places. On the effectiveness of achieving this goal, the quality of the indoor environment will have a colossal impact. Every parameter of the space around us is important, so for the comfort of our lives and health we have designed Espirio®, a unique system that does not underestimate any risks and allows us to control air quality, noise, lighting and climatic conditions.
Rest in a good atmosphere
- CO2 carbon dioxide,
- PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter
- volatile organic compounds VOC/VOC,
- temperature and humidity,
- Noise (level and number of acoustic events/quiet disturbances),
- Lighting (light color and intensity).

Espirio® provides users with light and sound signaling of exceedances, defined permissible levels of individual parameters.
In addition to personalizing the alarm thresholds of internal parameters, the user also has the option to connect to the nearest external environmental monitoring station (GIOŚ, Syngeos, Far Data, among others).
This functionality, in addition to providing information on external environmental parameters, also presents the Air Quality Index (AQI).
The essence of the Espirio® system is not only to measure and monitor the parameters of the indoor environment very precisely, but also to provide recommendations and hints to the user on how he should behave in a given situation.
Are you interested?
Why should you have one in your apartment or house?
The reasons are many. The system monitors many parameters that affect the comfort and quality of our lives. One of the prerequisites for ensuring not only the aforementioned comfort of life, but also better health in the long run, is sleep. Its quality not only determines how we feel immediately after waking up, but also how we function during the day and how effectively we are able to learn and work.
A scientific experiment conducted by X. Xu (with his team) was to study the effects of indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations on sleep quality. This study used three different experimental conditions, where CO2 levels were 800 ppm (level 1), 1900 ppm (level 2) and 3000 ppm (level 3), respectively. Observations showed that as the indoor CO2 concentration increased, the subjective evaluation of sleep quality showed a decreasing trend. At a carbon dioxide concentration level of 3000 ppm, more than half of the subjects rated their sleep quality as “poor” or “not at all satisfactory.” In contrast, the highest ratings of sleep quality appeared most often under conditions where the CO2 concentration was 800 ppm, and respondents answered that sleep quality was rated as “fully satisfactory.”
In addition, the average sleep quality score decreased by 10.7% and 9.4% as the CO2 concentration increased from 800 ppm to 1900 ppm and from 1900 ppm to 3000 ppm, respectively. This suggests that an increase in CO2 concentration in the air negatively affects the sleep quality of study participants.

Lack of sleep causes a significant reduction in productivity and alertness. Reducing nighttime sleep by just 1.5 hours per night can reduce daytime alertness by up to 32 percent.

Espirio® for the care of our children
The system will also allow you to take care of the proper course of your pregnancy and your baby’s first steps in a new environment. Using the Espirio® prompts, you can give him a good start in life and a carefree childhood. Waiting for the birth of an offspring is the most pleasant, but at the same time one of the most stressful periods in everyone’s life. It consists of many unknowns that future parents have to face. Few, however, remember that for the proper course of pregnancy as well as the development of the child, once it is born, it is also worthwhile to take care of the proper conditioning of the environment in which most of the time is spent. Numerous studies show that prolonged exposure to excessively high concentrations of volatile organic compounds has a disruptive effect on the normal development of the fetus. According to research by the World Health Organization, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are associated with intrauterine fetal hypotrophy, translating into low birth weight ( encoded_tag_open > 2500g). (< 2500g).
As a pollutant, carbon dioxide poses a great danger to young children. Being heavier than air, it accumulates near the surface, endangering infants who are moving and playing, and can lead to their unexplained collapses.
Use Espirio® in your home to guarantee the healthiest conditions for you and your family to live, study and work. Our device will help monitor air quality, noise, optimal light and climate conditions to make your home a true sanctuary that guarantees health and comfort.